Father God Explained In Numbers.

Here is another way to express Father God (the BIBLICAL intelligent source) in number form and the way the creator exists and operates:

0 = Conception and space, darkness void — “God” was born from/out of and became conscious

1 = is the leadership and the initiation the creator made

2= is the balance to which it must be (both ends of the spectrum)

3= is the harmony the balance gives

4= is the structure the harmony forms from

5=is the changes it must go through to maintain that structure

6= is harmony through unison, a relationship/togetherness

7=wholesomeness of this “Creator’s” spirit

8=infinite knowledge authority and power this “Creator” has

9=the full order of completion and divine order of this Creator

Also, please note that “9 is the highest number”…Think of the “0” as conception but the “0” is also a circle, which is why we say “360°” because 3–0–0 itself is harmony, 6–0 itself is a form of solidarity…3+6+0=9

